1 min read
09 Jul

One of the things I hated the most was when people would tell me to forget about what I had gone through and to just move on. First of all, easier said than done, I mean really? If forgetting my past and all the horrible things that were said and done to me was that easy, then I wouldn’t have allowed myself to go through months of torment and anguish. I would simply have forgotten about the heartache I was enduring and never allow myself to feel the sometime crippling anguish I felt on an almost daily basis. You wouldn’t have found me in my bedroom so my children couldn’t see me crying, although unfortunately, there were no doors thick enough to stop them from hearing it. One of the hardest things I think I had to do was figure out how to move on by myself. Was it hard for everyone else? I struggled with this for the longest time, but after a while I realized I was moving on, it was slow, but it was happening. For me, figuring out how to move on was one of the hardest aspects of my divorce, but honestly all it took was getting out and doing things that I enjoyed. It was that simple and as weird as it sounds, it can be that simple for you also. Think about it, if you’re getting out and doing things you enjoy and having fun, what are you not thinking about… your divorce. That’s right, you just took your mind of off your divorce and it only took doing something you like, something you had done in the past that you already knew you enjoyed. No deep soul searching involved, like everyone tells you to do. I know I have some great friends who, when I reached this stage were a great help. To me, there are two parts of moving on, the first simply involves you finding yourself again. Do the things you like, go where you want, do what you want and answer to no one but yourself. The second is dating again, I highly recommend not dating until you find yourself and know exactly what you want. That way you can find someone who compliments you. Give yourself time to heal, then if you choose to, date. But don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong if you decide you don’t want to, that you want to remain single. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. You need to remember, that you and only you know how deeply you’ve been hurt. And only you will know when you’ve healed enough to try and move on. Don’t let others push you into something you don’t think you’re ready for, because nine times out of ten, it won’t work out. I had so many people telling me I should be dating, but I knew I wasn’t ready yet, and when I finally reached the point where I felt as though I was healed enough to date, I dated. I have to admit I’m the kind of person who unfortunately lets others push me into doing things I don’t really want to do. I’m proud of myself for standing my ground and waiting until I felt I was ready to date

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